Í morgun samþykkti þingið í Úkraínu
með 289 atkvæðum af 450 að senda frumvarp númer 8711 um bann við áróðri
hinsegin fólks til annarrar umræðu, væntanlega af þremur. Þetta frumvarp er
stórt skref afturábak í réttindabaráttu hinsegin fólks , en í enskri útgáfu með
greinargerð sem fylgdi með frumvarpinu
segir m.a.:
“The spread of homosexualizm is a threat to national security, as it leads to the epidemic of HIV / AIDS and destroys the institution of family and can cause a demographic crisis.”
Þá vitum við það. Ýmislegt er nú kallað demókrati þarna austurfrá.
Þótt frumvarpinu sé beint gegn samkynhneigðum er því í reynd beint gegn öllu hinsegin fólki þar sem stjórnvöld í Úkraínu gera engan greinarmun á samkynhneigðum, tvíkynhneigðum, transfólki eða öðrum þeim sem falla ekki inn í hina ströngu skoðun á svokölluðum fjölskyldugildum að mati þeirra sem valdið hafa.
Ég efa það ekki að helstu fulltrúar afturhaldsins hér á landi muni fagna þessum áfanga úkraínska þingsins og athyglisvert að vita hvaðan þeir fá stuðninginn, þ.e. frá myrkustu öflum sem enn fyrirfinnast í Evrópu, Vatíkaninu í Róm, stjórnvöldum einstöku ríkja gömlu Sovétríkjanna og Biblíubeltinu vestur í Bandaríkjunum. Þess má og geta að Adolf Hitler var sömu skoðunar og umræddir stuðningsmenn frumvarpsins í Úkraínu og gerði sitt til að útrýma samkynhneigðum í Þýskalandi á sínum tíma.
Ég ætla ekki að nefna nein nöfn hér á landi sem mig grunar að styðji þetta frumvarp í Kænugarði enda vil ég ekki trúa því að neinn sé svo illa haldinn af fordómum að hann styðji baráttu stjórnvalda í Úkraínu gegn mannréttindum og mannhelgi.
En hvað sagði Bubbi árið 1983:
“Dyraverðir hata þá,hóta að skera undan, steikja og flá” Stjórnvöld í Úkraínu virðast ætla að taka að sér að framkvæma verknaðinn. En ég get lofað þeim að þeim verður ekki að ósk sinni, ekki frekar en Adolf.
Uppkast að frumvarpinu:
“The spread of homosexualizm is a threat to national security, as it leads to the epidemic of HIV / AIDS and destroys the institution of family and can cause a demographic crisis.”
Þá vitum við það. Ýmislegt er nú kallað demókrati þarna austurfrá.
Þótt frumvarpinu sé beint gegn samkynhneigðum er því í reynd beint gegn öllu hinsegin fólki þar sem stjórnvöld í Úkraínu gera engan greinarmun á samkynhneigðum, tvíkynhneigðum, transfólki eða öðrum þeim sem falla ekki inn í hina ströngu skoðun á svokölluðum fjölskyldugildum að mati þeirra sem valdið hafa.
Ég efa það ekki að helstu fulltrúar afturhaldsins hér á landi muni fagna þessum áfanga úkraínska þingsins og athyglisvert að vita hvaðan þeir fá stuðninginn, þ.e. frá myrkustu öflum sem enn fyrirfinnast í Evrópu, Vatíkaninu í Róm, stjórnvöldum einstöku ríkja gömlu Sovétríkjanna og Biblíubeltinu vestur í Bandaríkjunum. Þess má og geta að Adolf Hitler var sömu skoðunar og umræddir stuðningsmenn frumvarpsins í Úkraínu og gerði sitt til að útrýma samkynhneigðum í Þýskalandi á sínum tíma.
Ég ætla ekki að nefna nein nöfn hér á landi sem mig grunar að styðji þetta frumvarp í Kænugarði enda vil ég ekki trúa því að neinn sé svo illa haldinn af fordómum að hann styðji baráttu stjórnvalda í Úkraínu gegn mannréttindum og mannhelgi.
En hvað sagði Bubbi árið 1983:
“Dyraverðir hata þá,hóta að skera undan, steikja og flá” Stjórnvöld í Úkraínu virðast ætla að taka að sér að framkvæma verknaðinn. En ég get lofað þeim að þeim verður ekki að ósk sinni, ekki frekar en Adolf.
Uppkast að frumvarpinu:
Introduced by Members of Parliament of Ukraine:
Y.I. Tsarkov
K.Y. Lukyanova
P.Y. Unguryan
U.S. Kovalevska
T.V. Chornovil
L.S. Grygorovych
Law of Ukraine
"On Introduction of Changes to Certain
Legislative Acts of Ukraine (regarding protection of children rights on the
safe information sphere)"
Verkhovna Rada (The
Parliament) of Ukraine resolves:
I. To introduce
amendments to the following laws of Ukraine:
The Law of Ukraine "On protection of public moral" (The Official
Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2004, N 14, p. 192)
1) In Clause 1 Part 1, add
new paragraph after paragraph 3 with the following content:
"homosexualizm - sexual relations
between persons of the same sex;"
2) In Clause 2 Part 3, add
new paragraph after paragraph 4 with the following content:
"propagandize homosexualizm"
2. The Law of Ukraine "On Print Mass Media
(Press) in Ukraine" (The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of
Ukraine, 1993, N 1, p. 1).
Clause 3 after paragraph 3 add paragraph 4 with the following content: "propaganda
of homosexualizm;"
3. The Law of Ukraine
"On Television and Radio" (The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna
Rada of Ukraine, 1994, N 10, p. 43)
1) In Clause 6 Part 2, after
paragraph 8 add paragraph 9 with the following content:
"propaganda of homosexualizm;"
4. The Law of Ukraine "On
Publishing" (The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 1997,
N 32, p. 206)
1) In Clause 28 Part 2,
paragraph 4 should be introduced in the new revision with the following content:
"Produce or distribute published
pornographic products and that, which promote the cult of violence, cruelty,
5. The Criminal Code of
Ukraine (The Official Bulletin of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, 2001, N 25-26,
p. 131)
1) In Clause 300 add the
word "homosexualizm"
II. This Law shall become
operative on the day of its publication.
Speaker of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine V.
Greinargerð flutningsmanna:
Explanatory note
to the draft Law of Ukraine "On
Introduction of Changes to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (regarding
protection of children rights on the safe information sphere)"
Rationale of the Law
Draft Law of Ukraine "On
Introduction of Changes to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (regarding
protection of children rights on the safe information sphere)" designed to strengthen
anti-homosexual propaganda in Ukraine and ensure the legal framework for
prosecution of violations of public order and morality of the Ukrainian
The spread of homosexualizm is a
threat to national security, as it leads to the epidemic of HIV / AIDS and
destroys the institution of family and can cause a demographic crisis.
To address these demographic
challenges, it is necessary to create conditions to direct public policy to
improve nation’s morals, including introduction of effective mechanisms for
strengthening family values and preventing the spread of manifestations of
moral depravity in the media. It is moral depravity and so-called sexual
freedom promoted in Ukraine, that pose a threat to the above values - health,
family institution, the constitutional rights of fathers, mothers, children,
freedom of speech and religion, and stable demographic situation.
Some media, contrary to the interests
of society and state, form a tolerant attitude to such phenomenon as same-sex
sexual relations. It is known that any form of sexual depravity in society
always leads to major social, economic and epidemiological problems.
Promoting the extreme forms of sexual
immorality, Ukrainian media create conditions for the spread of AIDS epidemic
in Ukraine. To stop this dangerous process, establishment of mandatory rules,
which ban Ukrainian mass media to promote same-sex sexual relations in Ukraine,
is needed.
Thus, freedom of speech, which
underlies the media, should be limited by setting the relevant prohibitions in
the legislation of Ukraine. Abuse of freedom of speech by media is the condition
for establishing such prohibitions in the law.
Given the above, to counter the
propaganda of homosexualizm and to ensure the legal framework, which promotes
high morality of Ukrainian society, adoption of this bill is needed.
Purpose and objectives of the Law
Adoption of this bill is
needed to establish responsibility for actions that promote same-sex sexual relations, abuse the freedom of speech or use media to promote homosexualizm.
Amendments to the Criminal Code of Ukraine aim to increase the
responsibility for offences against public order and morality.
Amendments to the Law of Ukraine "On protection of public moral", the Law of Ukraine "On Print Mass
Media (Press) in Ukraine", the Law of
Ukraine "On Television and
Radio," Law of Ukraine "On
Publishing" will provide legal framework for regulation of print media, of broadcasting in order to combat propaganda of homosexualizm in the
General characteristics and basic disposition of the legal act
bill proposes to introduce an amendment to the Law of Ukraine "On
protection of public moral", the Criminal Code of Ukraine, the Law of
Ukraine "On Print Mass Media (Press) in Ukraine", the Law of Ukraine
"On Television and Radio", Law of Ukraine "On Publishing"
regarding propaganda prohibition and establishing criminal liability for
"propaganda of homosexualizm".
addition, this bill establishes the liability for distribution of products that
promote homosexualizm.
bill proposes to introduce an amendment to the Law of Ukraine "On
protection of public moral" and the Law of Ukraine "On
Publishing", which define the prohibition of production, publishing and
distribution of materials that promote homosexualizm.
this bill tends to introduce amendments to the Law of Ukraine “On
Printed Mass Media (Press) in Ukraine" and the Law of Ukraine "On
Television and Radio" regarding inadmissibility of abuse of freedom by the
print media and the use of broadcasting to promote homosexualizm.
State of the regulatory and legal framework
of this bill after its adoption doesn’t require additional amendments to other
Laws of Ukraine.
Financial and economic substantiation
of the bill "On Introduction of Changes to Certain
Legislative Acts of Ukraine (regarding protection of children rights on the
safe information sphere)” doesn’t require additional expenditures of the State
Budget of Ukraine.
Prognosis of socio-economic and other consequences
of adoption of legislative act
of the draft Law of Ukraine "On Introduction of Changes to
Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine (regarding protection of children rights on
the safe information sphere)” will increase effectiveness in combating propaganda
of sexual perversions in Ukraine and will provide the legal basis for
prosecution of people, who violate the law on protecting national security of
Ukraine, public order and morality. This will eliminate social conflicts in
Ukraine and will implement the strategy of protecting national security of
Members of Parliament of Ukraine: Y.I. Tsarkov
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